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Bare naked ladies if i had a million dollars

"If I Had $" is a song by the Canadian musical group Barenaked Ladies from their . It has been parodied by the Brobdingnagian Bards as "If I Had a Million Ducats", replacing the objects The following is a list of things (from the Gordon version) the narrator would buy for his sweetheart if he had a million dollars.

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If I Had $ Lyrics: If I had a million dollars / (If I had a million dollars) / Well , I'd buy you a house / (I would buy you a house) / And if I had a million dollars.

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Description:If I had a million dollars Singer 2: If I had a million dollars 1: Well I'd buy you a house 2: I would buy you a house 1: And if I had a million dollars 2: Buy you furniture for your house 2:

Views: 1452 Date: 2018-12-31 Favorited: 66 favorites

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