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And no, it's not a facial for your junk, nor does it involve semen. What it does involve, however, is arguably grosser: the foreskins of circumcised.

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"Penis Facials" Are Hollywood's Favorite New Beauty Trend. Yes, Really

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Description:Save Getty It's not exactly breaking news that people—especially wealthy, famous people—will do some bizarre stuff in the name of looking good. That being said, this latest trend would likely be startling even to the most seasoned skincare consumer. According to Metro , celebrities like Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett have partaken in what's called a "penis facial. What it does involve, however, is arguably grosser: It's unclear exactly how Louise obtains said stem cells from said foreskins though the whole thing is FDA sanctioned , or why the boys they belong to necessarily have to be Korean, but these seem like some trade secrets we'd likely not be privy to. It's worth noting that South Korea does happen to be home to an abundance of stem cell banks, but, like, how are so many foreskins ending up there?

Views: 4027 Date: 2018-09-14 Favorited: 75 favorites

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